Making Time for Things to Go Wrong

Dragonfly traffic on the greenway
five PM in the summer
Steps light, conversation – lighter
Talking about wild, wild
w i l d f l o w e r s
Crazy seeds

Drinking the fresh air, toasting
ourselves, each other
for finding other perspectives

And talking about wild, wild

m u s h r o o m s

Until the sky went thick and grey
And I laughed and said “it’ll just be sprinkle

And was I wrong? In every way
Because it swiftly swept the paw paw trees
And nothing in our cozy side trail would save us.

I heard it tapping on your fishing hat, and!
The woods came alive like a rock concert
And the rain filled our ears
And a beat rushed up in our souls

A n d w e w e r e F R E E

So when I was already drenched –
Nothing left to lose, to do
But O P E N U P A N D L E T G O.

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